
Join Us Today.

are you an individual?

Individual Membership​

Student Members are individuals enrolled in a recognized institution, with a demonstrated interest in the career/services of vetting and background checks. They must not be employed full-time in the profession. Student membership eligibility lasts for one year after the completion of their academic program or upon employment in the field, whichever comes first. Student members enjoy all the rights of full membership, except for the ability to vote or hold office.

They are entitled to use the designation “STM” (Student Member – Society for Professional Background Screeners).

Application Requirements
Attachment of Student ID card for vetting

Application Fee: ₦2,000
Membership/Training fee: ₦5,000

Associate Members are individuals with proven years of experience in the vetting and background checks industry. They have completed the Basic Background Screening Certification Training including taking and passing the associated examinations.

Associate members are entitled to use the designation “ASM” (Associate Member – Society for Professional Background Screeners).

Application Requirements
Attachment of CV for vetting

Application Fee: 10,000
Membership/Training Fee: ₦15,000

Certified Members are dedicated practitioners in the field of vetting and background checks. They must have evidence of completing both the Basic Background Screening Certification Training and the Advanced Background Screening Certification Training, as well as passing the associated examinations.

Certified members can use the designation “CTM” (Certified Member – Society for Professional Background Screeners).

Application Requirements

Attachment of CV for vetting

Evidence of completing both the Basic Background Screening Certification Training and the Advanced Background Screening Certification Training, as well as passing the associated examinations.

Application Fee: ₦10,000

Membership/Training fee: ₦25,000

Fellows are distinguished professionals who have demonstrated outstanding accomplishments and leadership in their practice for a minimum of ten years. They can use the designation “FLM” (Fellow Member – Society for Professional Background Screeners).

Application Requirements
Attachment of CV for vetting

Honorary Members are individuals recognized by the association for their notable contributions to their fields, the association, and the industry. They are nominated by members and approved by the Trustees. Honorary members do not have voting rights or eligibility for holding office.

They can use the designation “HNM” (Honorary Member – Society for Professional Background Screeners).

Application Requirements
Nominations are made by members and approved by the Trustees

are you an international prospect?

International Membership​

International Membership are foreign entities whose roles/functions align with background checks, screening and verifications.

Organizational Membership

Membership Benefits

The benefits of being a member of the association are as follows:


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